A list of the vaccine requirements for 2023-2024 can be found here. Vaccines protect children from getting and spreading diseases; they are required to attend school. Make sure your child is correctly vaccinated before they start school in September 2023
The 3-K application for the 2022-2023 school year is now open! The deadline to apply is April 14, 2022! All New York City families with children born in 2019 are welcome and encouraged to apply. Learn more about 3-K admissions at nyc.gov/3K.
The TADS enrollment system is no open for NEW and RETURNING students for the 22-23 school year. Families who are accepted and enroll prior to May 6, 2022 will save $100 per child in registration fees.
All PK-4 / UPK students who wish to enroll in Kindergarten at SBS, must complete an online admissions application at:https://stbarnabasschool.org/apply-online (Click to read more)...